
Zombies!!!- Comic Bug Commercial Airing

Tonight is the second week of airing for this commercial promoting the local comic book store, The Comic Bug.  For this commercial I did the Lighting Design, and co Cinematography with Sean Johnson. It is airing on AMC in the 310 area code during the Walking Dead time slot.
The vision for this commercial was to be creepy and eerie while also being comical and boarder line corny. The basic story begins with zombies chasing a girl, but we quickly find out that the zombies have no interest in her, but instead with all the comic merchandise in the shop. This commercial was shot in the neighboring area of the Comic Bug store with minimal technical equipment and available power sources. Our team was very resourceful and dedicated which played a major role in the success of this shoot. We had a great time working with The Comic Bug and hope to again in the future.

For video and full list of credits, click here!:

Extended Cut: Comic Bug Commercial

Photo Credit: Maria DeLuca


The Damsells & The TC4 "Lovin' Man": Music Video Shoot

Well a couple days ago we just wrapped up the primary shooting for The Damsells & The TC4's fourth music video. The concept of this video is more or less a parody of popular tv show from the '70s, The Dating Game. For this video I designed the set and the lighting. There are 3 sets involved in this shoot. One set for the ladies, the second for the 'dreamy' male contestant and a third for the band. We decided to keep it cute, retro and pink! By using the white cyc with saturated blue colored lights, the pink flats really pop out from the background and give some depth to the space as well as additional color. Here's a sneak peak at one of the sets and the lovely ladies.

This video will soon be in editing stages, which will be done by Michael Guerena, who is also the director. There is not a release date currently set but keeping my fingers crossed for before 2011. I'll keep you posted.


Blank Canvas

Welcome to my new (currently) blank canvas. This canvas is where I'll be posting updates on my creative projects as well as sharing any news. This blog will encompass every facet of my creative work both personal and commercial. Occasionally, I may post past projects for purposes of reflection as they relate to whatever is happening now. I really should have started a blog years ago but always found it to be rather narcissistic. Now, I see that blogging about personal creative endeavors is great for sharing with other creative professionals as well as family and friends. I hope you enjoy my future posts! Thanks for following.