Well, I had gotten behind on this blog over the past couple months since I have been busy with nothing but new change, both personal and professional. 2011 has already proven that it will be one heck of a year for me with a lot of busyness and excitement that will be all about building a new foundation for the future and creating memories that will hopefully last a life time. I have high hopes for this year!
With new beginnings and looking ahead as my interest for this post, to me, nothing celebrates this theme more than New Year's. New Years is my favorite holiday. It is all about celebrating with your loved ones and looking ahead with optimism to the coming year's opportunities. The most exciting thing about it for me is working on the Rose Parade.

Decorating Rose Parade floats has been my annual tradition and this past year, 2011, marks my 20th year! For the last few years have have been working as a decoration supervisor, executing the decoration of one float from bald to work of art. In a given day I could be managing anywhere from 50 to 100 volunteers, who are usually inexperienced. Supervising the decoration involves great attention to time management, training your volunteers one by one and using creativity to produce the best looking float possible. Even though there is only one week to decorate the float and the deadline is strict, decorating Rose Parade floats is also very much about having fun and creating a sense of team and community.

"Building Dreams, Friendships & Memories" was the theme for this past year. Working on the Discover Card float definitely made this theme feel appropriate. We won the Grand Marshal award for "excellence in creative concept and design." This year proved to be just as exciting as previous years especially considering I had a great time working with a wonderful co supervisor and very dedicated volunteers. Looking ahead to next year's parade, 2012's theme is "Just Imagine...". There's sure to be some excellent designs again next year!
Missed the parade?
Click Here to View the Float in action on parade day.
To see the float built and decorated from start to finish,
Click Here.