
Painting Redefined

Last week I completed another graphic arts course with UCLA Extension. This winter quarter I learned about digital painting in Adobe Photoshop. For twelve weeks I learned multiple techniques for creating digital paintings from scratch. Some of them were started by hand with paper then later scanned and rendered with brushes to become full color paintings. Other assignments were started by digital sketching and/or photo compositing. The goal of every assignment was to create a full color painting with a range of values and textures that were intended to look like paintings not reality.

Going into this class I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew that learning to paint digitally would be a great tool for communicating design ideas for murals, scenery designs and lighting concepts. What I hadn't expected was that the paintings would strongly reflect my own style and would be executed much in the same way that I would start any other painting or mural. I also hadn't expected that they would look like real paintings and be able to stand on their own as art.

Overall this class was an incredible experience that has provided me with a strong set of tools that I can apply to so many areas of my work. I have been able to find a lot of inspiration with this new way of working. For me, digital painting will never replace actual painting but I have learned that digital painting can still be a very respectable means of expression. One cannot be a good digital painter without the same raw talent that it takes to paint with a tangible brush and canvas.

C-Horse "Tongues" Video Released!

Last week the video for C-Horse's song "Tongues" was finally released!!! This video was shot over one weekend last summer with a very small production team of Sean Johnson directing and Michael Guerena shooting. Both did all of the editing. I designed the lighting based off Sean's concept of using two different looks. To create greater contrast between the two looks, I chose to use silver curtains with darker ambiance for the moodier segments of the song and the existing window of the space for the brighter and more upbeat portions. The choice was made to use their rehearsal space for this performance based video. The space had a very industrial quality with large windows. Space and electrical capacity of the room proved to be a challenge. In the end the video was successful and a good reflection of the band's style.
Like the band? More C-Horse can be found here.