
A New Quarter

Illustrator 2: Calender Assignment
 I have completed my second quarter at UCLA Extension for Design Communications! This was another amazing quarter with so many creative and skill building assignments. Constantly I'm amazed how quickly I am learning the Adobe software and finding ways to apply it to my professional work on a daily basis. My newly developed skills are helping me to visually express my creative ideas and design concepts in new ways. Taking these classes has helped me to catch up with the quickly changing creative world which has progressed quite a lot even since I graduated college six years ago.
     Upon beginning these classes, I did not intend to pursue graphic design as most of my colleagues have. But, I have found that graphic design can be far more creative than I had expected. It's actually quite fun and relevant to almost everything artistic! I am very excited to continue to apply graphic design tools to all of my future creative endeavours. I am beginning the third quarter with a new set of classes which I'm expecting will expand my skill much further. Sadly, I am now half done with the classes I had planned on taking. 

Entertainment Design: Video Game Title Treatment Assignment